Monday, September 21, 2009

In class freewrite

1. What argument are you trying to make in your draft?

The kind of argument I'm trying to achieve is that I'm sort of criticizing the way of I was taught to write and then how to revise. Mostly, how I have been left confused over the years on how to properly write and correct my papers.

2. How are you using the text in your draft?

I haven't really started to use my text in any sort of special way. I'm trying to be straight forward with my reader and try to reach a point.

3. How have you organized your draft so far?

My draft is kinda of unorganized at the moment. I feel I can add a lot more and use the Sommers article in a better way that I have. Just an opener and a few paragraphs. Its definitely not finshed yet.

4. What do you like about your draft so far? If you had to identify one sentence or passage that seems to get to the heart of what you are trying to say, what would it be?

I don't like my draft at all really. It feels unfinished and rushed. I can't really recall anything significant about my draft that sticks out yet.

5. What are you struggling with in your draft? What questions do you have? What kinds of feedback would you like?

My main struggle is content I think and using the proper grammar to try and trying to make the point by using proper language. Any feedback would help I think.

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